Build your own log home without a mortgage

You've wanted a log home for years. Now you're looking for the best way to make it a reality.
You’ve looked at log cabin kits
But discovered they are low quality, overpriced for what you get, and require you to hire a separate builder to assemble it. Once they are built they frequently experience rot and maintenance issues.
You’ve thought about hiring a custom handcrafter to build the log home of your dreams
But you learned that expert craftspeople have years of training and they charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for even the tiniest house.
You’ve looked through the log home magazines, maybe read some books or watched some online videos
But you've discovered these sources all make it sound impossible for a regular human to build a log home on their own property. Maybe the authors want you to hire them to do it for you?
You want to live in your your dream log home and feel secure about your family's future -- without the stress of making a mortgage payment every month.
What if building your own mortgage-free log home was as easy as finding logs locally and stacking them up like firewood?
Hereโs the deal with building a log home in 2024:
So-called log cabin "kits" are low quality and frequently experience rot and maintenance issues
Hiring a custom handcrafter costs hundreds of thousands of dollars even for the smallest house
Building your own log home is a shortcut that anyone can take to achieve their dream of owning a log home.
..and that’s where the Log Home Building Boot Camp comes in.
The Butt and Pass Method
Step #1
Find inexpensive logs in your area and get them delivered to your property. These can be almost any species and can be bought from landowners, acquired from government forests, or harvested from your own property.
Step #2
Stack them up like firewood. The Butt and Pass log home building method requires no special skills and anyone can do it. No fancy notchwork or chainsaw skills are needed.

Step #3
Finish your house and move in. You can finish your house to whatever level of budget you require. From the most basic, rustic home to the most luxurious. You are free to make use of reclaimed, surplus and used materials to save money if you want to.

Building your own log home with the butt and pass method means you can do it yourself without a mortgage, and watch your savings account grow every month.
The LHBA Log Home Building Boot Camp
Build your own log home -- using logs you can get free or cheap in your area...
And enjoy the feeling of waking up mortgage-free every day for the rest of your life.

This log house was built by LHBA students Jeff & Katie Barnes in Big Bear Lake, CA.

Here’s exactly what we’ll cover during the boot camp:
How to design your log home, get plans made for the lowest cost and how to handle the paperwork that may be required in your area, such as permitting or engineering
How to buy, store, ship, treat and handle logs
How to build your foundation and make sure it is suitable for a log home
- How to build your log home, including walls, roof and all structural elements - even if you've never built anything before in your life!
- How to finish your log home with doors, windows, floors, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, insulation, decks and chinking.
- Many of our students hire subcontractors for any trades they might not feel comfortable with (such as electrical wiring) and we'll show you how to get those jobs done for the lowest cost.
Everything you need to build your own dream log home without a mortgage.

What about lifting logs and putting them in the wall? Doesn't that require a crane?
Bonus #1
In our Lifting Mini-Course we'll show you how to lift the heaviest logs with ease.
Most of our members rent power equipment for the heavy parts. We'll show you the best equipment for the job and the least expensive way to get your hands on it.
But some of our members build in remote areas where they can't get power equipment up to the home site. And some people would rather save the money instead of spending it on power equipment. So this module is included to show you all our lifting tricks -- and you won't need to be a body builder to do it.

What if I don't have logs growing on my property, and I can't find any nearby?
Bonus #2
How to Get Free Logs is our bonus video walkthrough that shows you four easy ways to get free logs. And if you can't find them for free nearby, we'll show you how to buy them for the lowest price.
I'm on a limited budget. How can I afford to build a log home?
Bonus #3
As an owner-builder you can make use of surplus, upcycled, recycled, free and used building materials. You can take advantage of deals that contractors can't get at the local big box home store. We'll show you all the best sources and methods in our bonus training on How to Build Free or Cheap.
We love butt and pass log homes because they are the easiest and least expensive log home to build - even if you have no building experience.
The LHBA Log Home Building Boot Camp
Build your own log home -- using logs you can get free or cheap in your area...
And enjoy the feeling of waking up mortgage-free every day for the rest of your life.

Mortgage-free home built in Indiana by LHBA member David Hoffman. This was the first thing he ever built.

When you finish the LHBA log home building boot camp, you'll know exactly how to....
Design and plan your log home, including getting your plans made.
We'll show you how to find, buy and lift heavy logs even if you aren't a superhero, and how to build your dream log home.
You'll learn how to finish your dream log home, move in and enjoy the feeling of waking up mortgage free for the rest of your life.
The LHBA Log Home Building Boot Camp
Build your own log home -- using logs you can get free or cheap in your area...
And enjoy the feeling of waking up mortgage-free every day for the rest of your life.

Log home built by LHBA member Pinecone Pam in Camano Island, WA
Still have questions? We’ve got answers.
What if I don't have land yet?
I'm not ready to build yet. When should I take the class?
How much does a log home cost?
Is this class online or hands-on?
Are you guys for real?

You’re covered by our 100% money-back guarantee.

If for any reason you aren't completely satisfied with our class, just send us an email within 30 days and we will issue a full refund.